Research Intrests
Game Theory, Economic Theory, Opinion Dynamics, Networks, Switching Costs.
Working Papers & Work in Progress
"Minimal Contagious Sets in Innovation Diffusion Networks". R&R at JET
Joint with Itai Arieli, Galit Ashkenazi-Golan & Ron Peretz
"Strategic flip-flopping in political competition". R&R at IER
Joint with Alberto Grillo & Gaëtan Fournier​​
"Working with AI: An Analysis for Rational Integration". R&R at GEB
Joint with David Lagziel​​​
"Addiction to a Network". Submitted
Joint with David Gilo & Ariel Porat
"Authority Measure for Opinion Dynamics". Submitted.
Joint with Igal Milchtaich & Ron Peretz
"Bayesian Persuasion in Networks: Divisibility and Network Irrelevance".
Joint with Toygar T. Kerman & Anastas P. Tenev
"Network Buzz or Influencers".
Published Papers
"Folk theorems in repeated games with switching costs", 2024, Games and Economic Behavior
Joint with Xavier Venel & Anna Zseleva
"The Price of History-Independent Strategies in Games With Inter-Temporal Externalities", 2024, Dynamic Games and Applications.
Joint with Xavier Venel & Anna Zseleva
"I Want to Tell You?", 2023, Economic Theory.​​​​
Joint with Galit Ashkenazi-Golan & Yannick Viossat​
"The Regularity of the Value Function of Repeated Games with Switching Costs", 2023, Mathematics of Operations Research.
Joint with Xavier Venel & Anna Zseleva
"The Worst-Case Payoff in Games with Stochastic Revision Opportunities", 2021, Annals of Operations Research.
"Stochastic Revision Opportunities in Markov Decision Problems", 2019, Annals of Operations Research.
Joint with Ehud Lehrer