Research Interests
Game Theory
Economic Theory, Switching Costs, Opinion Dynamics, Networks.
Astrophysics and Space Science (pre-PhD studies)
Triple Stellar Systems & Exoplanets.

Published Papers
Ashkenazi-Golan G., Tsodikovich Y. & Viossat, Y.​​ - "I Want to Tell You?", 2023, Economic Theory.
Tsodikovich Y., Venel X., Zseleva A. - "The Regularity of the Value Function of Repeated Games with Switching Costs", 2022, Mathematics of Operations Research. [talk; slides]
Tsodikovich Y. - "The Worst-Case Payoff in Games with Stochastic Revision Opportunities", 2021, Annals of Operations Research.
Tsodikovich Y. & Lehrer E. - "Stochastic Revision Opportunities in Markov Decision Problems", 2019, Annals of Operations Research.

Working Papers
Tsodikovich Y., Venel X., Zseleva A. - "The Price of History-Independent Strategies in Games With Bonuses and Switching Costs". R&R at DGAA
Lagziel D., Tsodikovich Y. - "Second Opinions and the Humility Threshold". Submitted
Tsodikovich Y., Venel X., Zseleva A. - "The Feasible Set and Folk Theorems for Infinitely Repeated Games with Switching Costs". Submitted
Grillo A., Fournier G. & Tsodikovich Y. - "Strategic flip-flopping in political competition". Submitted
Arieli I., Ashkenazi-Golan G., Peretz R., & Tsodikovich Y. - "Minimal Contagious Sets in Innovation Diffusion Networks".
Gilo D., Porat A., & Tsodikovich Y. - "Addiction to a Network".

Published Papers
(Space Sciences)
Bacsardi L., et al. (including Tsodikovich Y.) - "The current state and the future of space internet - the Space Generation Perspective", 2017, ​​New Space Journal.
​Tal-Or L., et al. (including Tsodikovich Y.) - "CoRoT LRa02_E2_0121: Neptune-size candidate turns into a hierarchical triple system with a giant primary", 2011, Astronomy & Astrophysics.
​Vilardell F., et al. (including Tsodikovich Y.) - "The most massive eclipsing binary with apsidal motion", 2011, Bulletin de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege.
​Mazeh T., Tsodikovich Y., Segal Y., et al. - "TRIMOR - Three-dimensional correlation technique to analyze multi-order spectra of triple stellar systems; Application to HD188753", 2009, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
​Loeillet B., et al. (including Tsodikovich Y.) - "Refined parameters and spectroscopic transit of the super-massive planet HD147506b", 2008, Astronomy & Astrophsyics.